Welcoming Adrien Brody as Our New Chief Ambassador

Music Traveler is proud to welcome Adrien Brody, Oscar winning actor and star of Polanski’s hauntingly powerful “The Pianist” as our newest chief ambassador.

If you haven’t seen this epic award-winning film, we really encourage you to do so - Adrien portrays the harrowing story of  Jewish composer Władysław Szpilman’s battle for survival  during the Holocaust and how music saved his life. It’s not an  easy movie to watch, as some of the worst human traits can be seen during this devastating time for mankind, but one with an important message: the power of music as a universal language, able to reach and move people where words and other boundaries fail. 

Having access to music and musical instruments was not always an easy task and still remains very difficult in most parts of the world - Music Traveler hopes to be able to change that. By providing practice spaces and top quality instruments on our platform, we hope to really revolutionise the way the people approach making and playing music.

Music is a powerful aid in general education as well. There are countless studies that document the benefits of playing an instrument at any age, but especially in early childhood, learning music seems to further develop other neurological abilities. Taking up music at any age is a fantastic way to train the brain, as well as cultivate a special way of creative expression. Music is for everyone, don’t you agree?

Help us spread the word and grow our community - let’s make  the world better by really sending a message that music travels as a universal language and knows no boundaries.

Feel yourself wishing you could play more? Check out our Music Traveler spaces and book one near you. Can’t find your town on our map yet? Get in touch and be one of the first Music Traveler hosts in your area. Help us grow and we will help you make music!